







Thoughts by Artist




By Xiewei Su




For me, painting is a way to express imagination in the inner of an artist, and the imagination is the years of cultural accumulation of an artist. the use of colors, symbols, all display a kind of charm, pure and mysterious.  And the mystery can make the audience further explore, taste, communicate and induce.



As a Chinese, whoever can remain calm and un-shocked facing the rich Chinese culture of several thousand years?  From the excavated cultural relic from Shang and Qin-Han Dynasty, the produce, creation, simplicity, charm and mystery, prove to be perfect abstract drawing.  Especially the oracle bone, based on the second-dimension abstract drawing, a few simple lines can express the profound and outstandingness.



As a modernist, it’s impossible to imitate history only, but to think about how to use an abstract way to express the China gene.  My recent artwork is exploring how I can convey the China gene, using the abstract symbols.  The charm in using different colors, to perfectly combine with the China gene.  To make my artwork more cultural, more tasteful and live out of time.


An artwork msut be able to convey a special spirit out of the symbols and colors, it’s a indication under the exterior, just like what left over to us by history. 


苏谢伟     广东省潮州市人






Xiewei Su, Chaozhou Guandong

Senior Designer of Guangdong Provincial Construction Design Office


Artwork of “Revolutionary martyr ChunTao-Li” was displayed

in the Artwork Exhibition in celebration of the 70th Anniversary

of the Foundation of the Chinese Communist Party in 1991, and published in cover of Chaozhou Magazine of “Han River


2 Artworks of China Gene elected into “China Contemporary Art” in 2007


Artwork of China Gene elected into “Great Art” in 2008



By Xiewei Su in Loft345 inGuangzhou, 2008



Cultural Rediscovery – China Gene

Oil Paintings of Mr. Xiewei Su



China Non-Material Cultural Legacy and Re-discovering Project



      (“非遗”再发现研发工程发起人)   野牛

Xiewei Su’s <China Gene I>

By Ye Niu

- Founder of China Non-Material Cultural Legacy and Re-discovering Project



Spiritual Imagination of Xiewei Su


Placing myself in the yellow-colored loft345 studio of Mr. Xiewei Su in Guangzhou, seeing the 50 abstract drawings, a kind of acute, mysterious and special “Su style color” knocks at my eyeballs.  I can see in everywhere the unacquainted but strong, shocking but inspiring patterns!  The theme the artist would express, the real effect from the artwork and the esthetics sensed by the audiences, reach such a consensus that I really feel a strong kind of beauty brought about by the talents of the artist.  The serious culture, the pure color, and the simple arts, strongly display a kind of sprit, from the inside and outside of the artwork.



According to Mr. Xiewei Su, an artwork should be able to display the imagination of the inner of the artist.  The imagination comes from the cultural accumulation of the artist, and finally gives birth to the mix of colors, contracts and combination of different symbols.



From the format and techniques of the artwork, they are typical western abstract drawing, but from the simple pattern, it’s never hard to see the “Chinese” in side, they are purely Chinese gene.



The artworks will be named as “China Gene”! However, “China Gene” will by combined by different series, the 1st series will be named as “China Gene I”.



Why “China Gene”?


1. Gene 1: Theme



    China gene is very spirit-oriented, and it has no doubt that the foundation of the series comes from the origin of the Chinese culture – the cultural gene of the Chinese people.  According to Mr. Xiewei Su, as Chinese, whoever can remain calm and un-shocked facing the rich Chinese culture of several thousand years?  From the excavated cultural relic from Shang and Qin-Han Dynasty, the produce, creation, simplicity, charm and mystery, prove to be perfect abstract drawing.  Especially the oracle bone, based on the second-dimension abstract drawing, a few simple lines can express the profound and outstandingness.

The China gene is established in the Chinese cultural gene, they are the theme, the blood, and the marrow, and the origin of spiritual imagination.  Xiewei Su follows it and reach a harmony with it, which is the motivation and origin of the success of the China Gene.


2. Gene 2:  Gene Chart



If we consider the theme of “China Gene” as the traditional part of the cultural genes, the patterns of the artwork are the current status of the gene, which is also the creation and development part of Xiewei Su, the Chinese.  Only in this way, can the culture of a people, a country be carried forward.  Therefore, great importance should be placed in the efforts of inheritance, development and creation.  That’s also why we place so much importance on the artwork of “China Gene”. 

The efforts of “re-creation” and “re-discovery” have formed a new gene, which represents the importance of “tradition” in current, to win the time and space for continuous existence and development.


In reality, the inheritance of culture of a people and a nation tend to be ineffective, even in most cases, the majority are in passive and sackless status, only performing dining, digesting and sexual giving and receiving as a common human being, for the existence and future of their people or nation, they never realize their obligation to carry it forward.  This may be the so-called “ineffective black holes” that exist with genes of mankind.  It is the same for civilization, which brings issues to the inheritance, copy and optimization.  Facing this situation, the gene uses the “self-protection” strategy, in other words, quantity strategy to realize their inheritance, copy and optimization. Abundant propagation is used to ensure success even once every ten thousand cases.  Just look at pregnancy of human being, a few million sperms of male spew as flood into the procreation area of females, to dissolve and hurtle with the abundant ovum, in the process, only 1 or 2 sperms can succeed and thus produce a new life.  In natural life, majority of biology use the “quantity strategy”, e.g. ants, bees, grass, shrimps and crabs, and the strategy does proves to be effective.


     Gene 3: Artist Gene


When we look at certain theme and artwork as a kind of gene and inheritance, the artist himself follows the same rule as well.  Mr. Xiewei Su is of this kind.  His Chinese blood makes him a Chinese culture complex.  The culture complex stays in the skin, blood and marrow, determining the certain passion and mission.  This applies to everybody and every generation, not Xiewei Su only.  No matter what you are now, you must have your “past”, no mater how far away your “past” it is, it can be extended to ‘now”, unless problems occur in the copy and inheritance of Gene.  There is a Chinese saying “there are three ways to be unfilial, the worst is to not produce off-spring”, this is to bring “inheritance” to “being filial” which was very common and popular in feudalism culture.


An individual as a point of Gene copy, exist in the format of human body, seems very individual and non-relevant.  However, this is not the fact, every person is the result of inheritance with very faraway origin, the existence in presence is a kind of superiority.  The superiority accumulates by Gene, however, the survivals have very high possibility of being eliminated, which brings continuous superiority and survival become a problem.


Existence is concrete, but contains very high level cultural abstraction


Human being is concrete, they exist in space, however, culture is abstract, they exist in times. Time can erase out almost all characteristics that ever exist in space, but those in existence of spirit, theory and philosophy will last for ever.  If you want to express the non-material sprit, theory and philosophy, definitely, abstraction is the best way, to use least characteristic to reflect maximum contents.  Using China Gene as an example, because it follows the rule, it realizes the harmony of subject matter, format and artist.


However, abstraction brings a contradiction, time erased our the trace of may concrete matters.  Time is just like a onrush, it brings all ever-presence matters into its wave and destroy it completely.  Time, is also like a huge iron, if it doesn’t work well, the culture will die out even to extinct.  Some regions or peoples suffer from this kind of tragedy.



Only when the gene inheritance, copy and optimization are in a healthy process, a people or a nation can maintain its strength in history.  The Han People can remain indefectible at loss, thrive after danger, the key point is the culture, which includes the language, the productivity, the living style, the arts, the philosophy and even the value, all these are motivations from the inner of each Chinese people.  The inheritance, copy and optimization of gene is, in fact, the process of “re-discovery”, it’s not a simple one-to-one inheritance and copy, because a renewal, strive and superiority will never come by themselves, it must have solid foundation established by their ancestors.  Even if absorbing foreign culture, it will never admit without foundation, the cultural foundation of the people plays an important role, just like the Buddhism, it comes from the East but localized perfectly in China.  In addition, inheritance includes choices of continuous optimization and creative development, which are the dual sizes of the existence of a simple thing.



Therefore, how to continuously optimize, inherit and copy the culture, spirit and value of the Chinese People as time goes by, to ensure that we always stay prosperous in the upsurge of history, is the upmost important thing in a country strategy.  How to strategize the optimization, inheritance, and coy of cultural gene becomes a special technique, how to further promote and apply the national strategy in the form of government, civilian and market, becomes a huge and valuable project.



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